Name: hdfview Version: 2.13.0 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: Java HDF5 Object viewer License: BSD with advertising URL: #Source0:{version}-Source.tar.gz Source0: hdfview-%{version}-nolibs.tar.xz Source1: hdfview Source2: hdfview.xml Source3: hdfview.desktop Source4: hdfview.appdata.xml # ./ will download Source0 and remove bundled libs Source9: # Upstream creates a single jar with both the jhdfobj interface and # the HDFView parts. Split that into separate jars. Patch0: hdfview-jars.patch BuildRequires: maven-local BuildRequires: ant BuildRequires: mvn(org.hdfgroup:jhdf) >= 3.2.1 BuildRequires: mvn(org.hdfgroup:jhdf5) >= 3.2.1 BuildRequires: mvn(gov.nasa.gsfc.heasarc:nom-tam-fits) BuildRequires: mvn(edu.ucar:cdm) BuildRequires: mvn(org.slf4j:slf4j-api) BuildRequires: mvn(org.slf4j:slf4j-nop) BuildRequires: ImageMagick BuildRequires: libappstream-glib BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils Requires: java Requires: javapackages-tools Requires: mvn(org.slf4j:slf4j-api) Requires: mvn(org.slf4j:slf4j-simple) Requires: mvn(org.hdfgroup:jhdf) >= 3.2.1 Requires: mvn(org.hdfgroup:jhdf5) >= 3.2.1 Requires: mvn(gov.nasa.gsfc.heasarc:nom-tam-fits) Requires: mvn(edu.ucar:cdm) Requires: jhdfobj = %{version}-%{release} Requires: hicolor-icon-theme Requires(post): desktop-file-utils Requires(postun): desktop-file-utils BuildArch: noarch %description HDF is a versatile data model that can represent very complex data objects and a wide variety of meta-data. It is a completely portable file format with no limit on the number or size of data objects in the collection. This package provides a HDF4/HDF5 viewer. %package -n jhdfobj Summary: Java HDF/HDF5 Object Package Requires: javapackages-tools Requires: mvn(org.hdfgroup:jhdf) Requires: mvn(org.hdfgroup:jhdf5) Requires: mvn(org.slf4j:slf4j-api) %description -n jhdfobj HDF is a versatile data model that can represent very complex data objects and a wide variety of meta-data. It is a completely portable file format with no limit on the number or size of data objects in the collection. This Java package implements HDF4/HDF5 data objects in an object-oriented form. It provides a common Java API for accessing HDF files. %package doc Summary: Sample files and example code for %{name} Enhances: %{name} Requires: %{name}-javadoc %description doc %{summary}. %package javadoc Summary: API documentation for %{name} %description javadoc %{summary}. %prep %autosetup -n hdfview-%{version}-Source # build jar repo mkdir -p lib/extra build-jar-repository -p lib/ junit slf4j- jhdf jhdf5 nom-tam-fits thredds/cdm ln -s slf4j-api.jar lib/slf4j-api-1.7.5.jar ln -s slf4j-nop.jar lib/slf4j-nop-1.7.5.jar ln -s nom-tam-fits.jar lib/fits.jar ln -s jhdf.jar lib/jarhdf.jar ln -s jhdf5.jar lib/jarhdf5.jar ln -s thredds_cdm.jar lib/netcdf.jar # simulate the settings files echo 'HDF4 Version: %_hdf5_version' >lib/libhdf4.settings echo 'HDF5 Version: %_hdf5_version' >lib/libhdf5.settings # artifacts location %mvn_package org.hdfgroup:jhdfobj jhdfobj %mvn_file org.hdfgroup:jhdfobj jhdfobj %mvn_package org.hdfgroup:jhdfview jhdfview %mvn_file org.hdfgroup:jhdfview jhdfview echo hdf.lib.dir=$(pwd)/lib >> %build ant jar ant javadoc %install # jars and depmap %mvn_artifact org.hdfgroup:jhdfobj:%{version} build/jar/jhdfobj.jar %mvn_artifact org.hdfgroup:jhdfview:%{version} build/jar/HDFView.jar %mvn_install -J build/javadocs install -Dpm0755 %{SOURCE1} -t %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/ # Create and install hicolor icons. for i in 16 22 32 48 ; do mkdir -p icons/${i}x${i}/apps convert -resize ${i}x${i} src/hdf/view/icons/hdf_large.gif \ icons/${i}x${i}/apps/hdfview.png install -Dpm 0644 icons/${i}x${i}/apps/hdfview.png \ %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/${i}x${i}/apps/hdfview.png install -Dpm 0644 icons/${i}x${i}/apps/hdfview.png \ %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/${i}x${i}/mimetypes/application-x-hdf.png done # .desktop file mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications desktop-file-install \ --dir %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications \ %{SOURCE3} # mime types install -Dpm644 -t %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/mime/packages/ %{SOURCE2} # appdata install -Dpm644 -t %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/appdata/ %{SOURCE4} rm src/examples/testfiles/*.txt %check appstream-util validate-relax --nonet %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/appdata/*.appdata.xml %post update-desktop-database &> /dev/null || : touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || : touch --no-create %{_datadir}/mime/packages &>/dev/null || : %postun update-desktop-database &> /dev/null || : if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || : gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || : update-mime-database %{_datadir}/mime &> /dev/null || : fi %posttrans gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || : update-mime-database %{?fedora:-n} %{_datadir}/mime &> /dev/null || : %global _docdir_fmt %{name} %files -f .mfiles-jhdfview %_bindir/hdfview %{_datadir}/applications/hdfview.desktop %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/*/*/*.png %dir %{_datadir}/mime %dir %{_datadir}/mime/packages %{_datadir}/mime/packages/hdfview.xml %{_datadir}/appdata/hdfview.appdata.xml %files -n jhdfobj -f .mfiles-jhdfobj %doc Readme.txt docs/RELEASE.txt # other docs are very outdated, stuff that's on the web seems better %license COPYING %files doc %doc samples/ %doc src/examples/ %license COPYING %files javadoc -f .mfiles-javadoc %license COPYING %changelog * Thu Dec 15 2016 Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek - 2.13.0-1 - Also add /usr/share/mime, /usr/share/mime/packages to %%files * Tue Dec 13 2016 Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek - 2.13.0-1 - Add versioned requirement on jhdf5 in hdfview binary package - New javadoc subpackage - Fix ownership issues in icons directory - Exclude text files in examples/testfiles * Sat Dec 10 2016 Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek - 2.13.0-1 - Fix BuildRequires * Thu Dec 8 2016 Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek - 2.13.0-1 - Initial split from jhdf5